The next call was really disturbing. It nearly ruined my day. G asked me if I was really 19. I told him yes, I'll be twenty in July. He asked me if I could be any younger so I said "What like a schoolgirl?" He then proceeded to elaboratley tell me how he picked me up from school in my uniform and fucked me in his car. This guy wanted me to be 15. Granted, the majority of people are having sex at 15, but it made me pretty uncomfortable letting him talk about his 15year old fantasies, espicially as my sister's not far off 15. I don't want her to get fucked in her uniform in the back of a car. I guess it has opened me up to the debate as to whether it is better to let people play out their fantasies on the phone to prevent them from playing them out in real life, or not ? I don't know. It made me really shaky afterwards. I didn't know what to do or how to get him off the phone. I didn't like him.
I didn't take another call for another 2 hours. R wanted to tie me up with my knickers. I had told him I was in a red bra and thong when I've really been in my pyjamas all day. He did'nt really sound all that overly "excited". He just stopped talking at one point and said "I'm going to bed now". It was an easy call. A bit later I got a call from P who wanted to me to be really loud. >_< This was ick because I could hear my flatmate L pottering round the house so she could obviously hear me. At least the guy had a good time before he went to sleep.
Ive applied to adopt a cat, my preferred type of pussy. I love kitties :) He can sleep in my bed.
Night ! xo
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